For more information about our services, contact us today at any of our locations. We look forward to partnering with you on your next project.
Drilling Cleaning Services
PMI Drilling Services division utilizes technology to consistently reduce downtime in marine fleets and drilling rigs, with a perpetual focus on waste minimization.

Delivering Consistently Predictable Results
PMI’s Drilling Cleaning Services Division consistently reduces downtime in marine fleets for its customers due to the efficiency of our MudHog Tank Cleaning Machines. While the typical conventional mud tank cleaning or competitors’ automated cleaning systems run multiple days – especially on larger deepwater vessels – our MudHog process typically shrinks the timeline to 24 - 48 hours. In turn, this creates increased efficiency in the logistics and transportation groups of our customers while reducing their operating costs. Other quantifiable savings are realized in the MudHog process through waste reduction during cleaning operations.
MudHog Tank Cleaning Machines
Our MudHog automated tank cleaning system is a highly innovative process for cleaning mud tanks on marine supply vessels or liquid mud systems on drilling rigs.
Some of the many advantages of automated cleaning include:
Rig Cleaning System
PMI Environmental Services has the experience, expertise and technology to provide our customers with the highest quality of both conventional and automated rig cleaning services.
Our new MudHog cleaning technology brings our customers many advantages including:
Dry Bulk Tank Cleaning
PMI’s diverse fleet of mobile air movers provides our customers with a choice in waste containerization and disposal. For those choosing local disposal options for small quantities, a Guzzler NX offers industry leading vacuum technology and filtration along with unmatched sound suppression in recovering a wide range of materials including barite and cement. Or using our Vector VecLoader offers the option to discharge recovered materials directly into a supersack, vacuum box, or other collection devices without augering, dumping, or shoveling.