MudHog II
Our clients required a system that would clean portable containers used in drilling and production programs.
PMI release the MudHog II Automated Cleaning System, an innovative process for cleaning drilling and production containers.
Features and Advantages of MudHog Jr. System
Reduce manpower
Use less equipment
Save money
- The efficiency of the MudHog II System consistently reduces personnel time in confined spaces while using less wash water in cleaning process.
- Cleaning timeline for MudHog II. process compares favorably with conventional cleaning processes.
- Value is created for our customers through increased operating efficiencies in automated cleaning versus labor-intensive conventional cleaning processes.
- The smaller size is excellent for cleaning smaller tanks and allows for even better portability to remote locations.
- PMI has been using the original MudHog System as its primary method for cleaning mud tanks for over 4 years on over 200 Marine Supply Vessels and Barges for over 15 different customers, including four Major Oil & Gas producers.
Eliminated the use of a backhoe and operator by utilizing the processing plant’s incorporated screw conveyor and piping configuration
Reduced the amount of trucking and travel to and from wellsite
Reduced the possibility of HSE issues associated with lifting and hauling sack material